Well... looks like I'm going to be closing shop on this blog. Considering the last time I posted was about five months ago, I don't think it's served its purpose very well. Besides that, I've managed to set up two new webpages which have eaten up most of my time. Each have (or will have) their own blogs attached to them. And I think both will manage to cover the same ground I would have covered with this blog.
Anyway... here are the new pages:
Repertory Theater of Iowa - http://www.RTIowa.com/
RTI's Blog - http://www.RTIowa.com/blog
John Earl Robinson (me) - http://www.JohnEarlRobinson.com/
My Blog - http://www.JohnEarlRobinson.com/blog
I also managed one for a dance school - http://www.PaulaBrekkeDance.com/
Check 'em out. Feedback is alway welcome!
The Other Side of Silence
8 hours ago